Words as Performance

Mercoledì 23 e giovedì 24 marzo presso il Dipartimento Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali ISO si terrà il simposio internazionale “Words as Performance: Oral Narratives, Poetry and Storytelling in Japan” che affronterà il tema del rapporto tra parola e performance in Giappone da una prospettiva triplice: poesia, narrazione orale e arti declamatorie. Il simposio, primo del genere in Italia, fornirà l’occasione per esperti provenienti da Stati Uniti, Europa e Giappone di confrontarsi sul tema della parola e sulle sue declinazioni in campo performativo. https://www.facebook.com/events/1799843870237780/


Programma del Simposio Mercoledì 23 marzo
Dipartimento Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali – ISO
Via Principe Amedeo 182b, Roma
Aula 1 10:00 Registration

10:30 Welcome addresses
Matilde Mastrangelo (Director of the ISO Department)
Stefano Asperti (Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy)
Takasu Naomi (Director of the Japan Cultural Institute in Rome)
HE Umemoto Kazuyoshi (Japanese ambassador to Italy) 11:00 Keynote Speech
Nobuhiro Shinji (Prof. em., The University of Tokyo)
パフォーマンスとしてのことばー三遊亭円朝 (Words as Performance: the Case of San’yūtei Enchō) 11:45 Coffee break 12:00 Morning Session
Haruo Shirane (Columbia University)
“Storytelling, Music, and Vocality: The Tale of the Heike in Comparative Context”
Hyōdō Hiromi (Gakushuin University)
『平家物語』における「語り」と鎮魂の思想 (The narration and the idea of the dead’s soul pacification in The Tale of the Heike) 13:00 Lunch break 15:00 Afternoon Session
Gaye Rowley (Waseda University)
“Recreating The Tale of Genji in Edo: Ōgimachi Machiko’s Matsukage nikki”
Ikuko Sagiyama (University of Florence)
“Cross-dressing Performance in Japanese Classical Poetry”
Maria Chiara Migliore (University of Salento)
“A Discussion around Popular Arts: Sangaku o benzu (Arguing for sangaku, 963)”
16:30 Discussion
Giovedì 24 marzo
Dipartimento Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali – ISO
Via Principe Amedeo 182b, Roma
Aula 1
10:30 Morning Session
Till Weingärtner (University College Cork)
“Of Dry Flowers and Bananas: Rakugo on the Global Stage”
Matthew Shores (University of Cambridge)
“Performing Food in Japanese Comic Storytelling (Rakugo)”
Lorie Brau (The University of New Mexico)
“Cutting Courtesies: Politeness Discourse and Performativity in Edo rakugo”
Matilde Mastrangelo (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
“Words in Performance: Talking about Storytellers” 13:00 Lunch break 15:00 Afternoon Session
Antonio Manieri (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
“Orality, Performance, and Education in Kuchizusami (970)”
Cristian Pallone (University of Milan)
“Reading as Performance in Edo-period kohon”
Luca Milasi (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
“The Distance of Shakespeare: Sōseki, Shōyō, and the Problem of Hamlet”
Stefano Romagnoli (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
“Socialism Meets Storytelling: shakai kōdan in the late Taishō era” 17:00 Final discussion

