Come citare
MARANGONI Rossella (a cura di), “Bibliografia: Cina”, AsiaTeatro – rivista di studi online, annate 2011-2021, fascicolo 5: Bibliografia dei teatri asiatici, pp. 41-55
Opere in lingua italiana
AA. VV., Il teatro cinese antico e moderno (introduzione di Lin Yutang), Milano, Bompiani, 1957, ill. (N° 140 monografico della rivista “Sipario”, dic. 1957).
AA. VV., L’Opera di Pechino. Premessa di Nanni Balestrini, Edoardo Sanguineti, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1971.
AA. VV., La Cina a Venezia, Firenze, Napoli: il teatro musicale di Suzhou nell’ambito del gemellaggio Venezia-Suzhou, Venezia, Teatro La Fenice, 1982.
AA.VV., Ombre elettriche. Saggi e ricerche sul teatro cinese, Milano, Electa, 1982.
AMATO, Luigi Orione, Una biografia di Mei Lanfang (attore cinese), tesi di laurea, Università di Bologna, 1997, inedita.
AZZARONI, Giovanni, Teatro in Asia, vol. III, Tibet, Cina, Mongolia, Corea, Bologna, Clueb, 2003.
CASARI, Matteo, Teatro, vita di Mei Lanfang. Con la traduzione integrale di Addio mia concubina nella versione di Mei Lanfang, Bologna, Clueb, (collana Quaderni di teatro in Asia e in Africa/ Collana diretta da Giovanni Azzaroni ; 1), 2003.
CONTIN, Claudia, Progetto sciamano anno 2001: incontri col teatro cinese della Scuola sperimentale dell’attore, Pordenone, Amministrazione provinciale, stampa 2001.
FERRARI, Rossella, Da Madre Courage e i suoi figli a Jiang Qing e i suoi mariti. Percorsi brechtiani in Cina, Venezia, Cafoscarina (collana Cina e Altri Orienti. Tascabili; 7), 2004.
GUIDI, Alessandro, Lo Yueji: il pensiero musicale nella Cina, Bologna, CLUEB, 2005.
HO Tsin-ci e Din-ni, La fanciulla dai capelli bianchi. Dramma in cinque atti e diciannove quadri, s.l., Edizioni di Cultura Sociale, 1952.
LI Ying, Il teatro realista cinese dell’ultimo ventennio (1990-2010) : potente specchio dei mutamenti socio-economici e culturali, Perugia, Morlacchi editore U.P., 2018.
L’Opera di Pechino. Compagnia dell’Opera di Pechino dello Yunnan. – Programma di sala dello spettacolo all’Opera di Roma nel 1980. – Roma, Ente Autonomo del Teatro dell’Opera, 1980.
L’Opera di Pechino, Beijing Yuoth Jingju Troupe. Teatro dell’Opera di Pechino. Programma di sala pubblicato in occasione della tournée in Italia negli anni novanta con la partecipazione di STET, s.l. : s.n., s.d.
PILONE, Rosanna, Teatro in Cina, Bologna, Cappelli, 1966.
PILONE, Rosanna, Oltre la maschera. Storie di ragazzi d’opera cinese, Milano, International Cultural Exchange, 1995.
PILONE, Rosanna, RAGAINI, Sabina, YU WEIJIE (eds.), Teatro cinese: architetture, costumi, scenografie, Milano, Electa, 1995. (Catalogo della Mostra tenuta a Milano nel 1995).
PISU, Renata, TOMIYAMA Haruo, L’Opera di Pechino. Prefazione di Marcel Marceau, Milano, Mondadori, 1982.
RUGGIERO, Antonio, L’Opera di Pechino durante la rivoluzione culturale: una parentesi innovatrice nel teatro tradizionale cinese, Cosenza, Presenze, 1985.
SAVARESE, Nicola, Il racconto del teatro cinese, Roma, Carocci, 2003 (1° ed. 1997).
YU WEIJIE, PILONE Rosanna, RAGAINI Sabina, Tradizione e realtà del teatro cinese – dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Milano, International Cultural Exchange, 1995.
Opere in altre lingue
AA.VV., Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy. A Modern Revolutionary Peking Opera, Peking, Peking Opera Troupe of Shanghai, 1971.
AA.VV., Peking Opera and Mei Lanfang. A Guide to China’s Traditional Theatre and the Art of Its Great Master, Peking, New World Press, 1981.
AA. VV., Puppetry of China: a Rare Exhibition of Figures which Illustrate the Four Styles of Chinese Puppet Theatre, Atlanta, Center for Puppetry Arts, 1984.
ALLEY, Rewi, Introduction a l’opera de Pékin (photos d’Eva Saio; dessins de Kouan Liang), Pekin, Librairie du Nouveau monde, 1984.
ARLINGTON, Lewis Charles, The Chinese Drama from the Earliest Times Until Today, New York, Benjamin Blom Inc., 1966.
BIRCH, Cyril, Scenes for Mandarins: The Elite Theater of the Ming, New York, Columbia University Press, 1999.
BIRCH, Cyril (translator), The Peony Pavilion. Mudan Ting, Second Edition, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2002.
BIRCH, Cyril (translator and editor), Mistress & Maid (Jiaohongji), by Meng Chengshun, New York, Columbia University Press, 2001.
BONDS, Alexandra B., Beijing Opera Costumes: the Visual Communication of Character and Culture, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2008.
BOUVIER, Hélène, TOFFIN, Gérard, Théâtres d’Asie à l’oeuvre. Circulation, expression, politique, Paris, EFEO, 2012.
BROMAN, Sven, Chinese Shadow Theatre, Stockholm, Etnografiska Museet/Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, 1981.
BROMAN, Sven, Chinese Shadow Theatre Libretti, Bangkok, White Orchid Books, 1994.
BURGER, Helga, L’opera chinoise, Paris, Denoel, 1982.
BUTEL, Yannick, Les théâtralités de l’apparition: la scène et les encres de Gao Xingjian. Suivi de Monologue et De l’art du jeu de Gao Xingjiang traduit par Denis Molcanov. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015.
CAPDEVILLE-ZENG, Catherine, Le théâtre dans l’espace du peuple: une enquête de terrain en Chine, Paris, Indes savantes, 2012.
CHANG, Donald K., MITCHELL, John D. (translators), The Fox Cat Substituted for the Crown Prince: A Peking Opera Set in the Song Dynasty, Midland, MI, Northwood Institute Press, 1985.
CHANG Dongshin, Representing China on the Historical London Stage: From Orientalism to Intercultural Performance, London, Routledge, 2015.
CHANG, H.C., Chinese Literature. Popular Fiction and Drama, Edimburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1973.
CHANG Pe-Chin, Chinese Opera and Painted Face, Taipei, Mei Ya Publications, 1969.
CHEN Chih-hsiang, ACTON, Harold (tr.), The Peach Blossom Fan (T’ao-hua-shan, by K’ung Shang-jen, 1648-1718), Berkeley, University of California Press, 1976.
CHEN, Jack, The Chinese Theatre, illustrated by the author, New York, Roy Publishers, 1948.
CHEN, Jack, Shadow Theatre, Beijing, Folk Arts of New China Foreign Language Press, 1954.
CHEN Xiaomei (ed.), The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. Abridged, New York, Columbia University Press, 2014.
CHEN Xiaomei, Staging Chinese Revolution. Theater, Film, and the Afterlives of Propaganda, New York, Columbia University Press, 2016.
CHEN Xiaomei (ed.), The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama, New York, Columbia University Press, 2010.
CHEN Xiaomei, Acting the Right Part: Political Theater and Popular Drama in Contemporary China. Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2002.
CHEN Xiaomei, LI-MIN CHUN Tarryn, LIU Siyuan (eds.), Rethinking Chinese Socialist Theaters of Reform. Performance Practice and Debate in the Mao Era, Ann Arbour, University of Michigan Press, 2021.
CHICAGO Smart Museum of Art, Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture, catalogue, Chicago University of Chicago Press, 2014.
CHIANG Ch’ing, On the Revolution of Peking Opera, Beijing, Foreign Language Press, 1968.
CHIAO Ch’eng Chih, Le théâtre chinois d’aujourd’hui, Paris, Droz, Génève, Slatkine, 1977.
CHICAGO Smart Museum of Art, Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture, catalogue, Chicago University of Chicago Press, 2014.
CHING-HSI Perng, Double Jeopardy. A Critique of Seven Yüan Courtroom Drama, Ann Arbour, University of Michigan Press, 1978.
CHU Kun-liang, Les aspects rituels du théâtre chinois, Paris, Collège de France-Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1991.
CHUHFANG FEI, Faye, Chinese Theories of Theatre and Performance from Confucius to the Present, Ann Arbour, University of Michigan Press, 1991.
CHUNG-WEN Shi, The Golden Age of Chinese Drama – Yuan Tsa-chu, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1976.
CONCEISON, Claire, Significant Other: Staging the American in China, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2004.
COULTER, T., Transcultural Aesthetics in the Plays of Gao Xingjian, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
COYAUD Maurice, LEUNG Angela K., Les Operas des Bords de l’Eau: Theatre Yuan, XIII-XIV siecles, Paris, CNRS, 1975.
CRUMP, J.I., MALM, William P. (eds.), Chinese and Japanese Music-Dramas, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2020.
CRUMP, J.I., Chinese Theater in Days of Kublai Khan, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1991.
DARROBERS, Roger, Le théâtre chinois, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1995.
DeMARE, Brian James, Mao’s Cultural Army. Drama Troupes in China’s Rural Revolution, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
DOLBY, William, A History of Chinese Drama, London, P. Elek, 1976.
DOLBY, William, Eight Chinese Plays from the Thirteenth Century to the Present, New York, Columbia University Press, 1978.
DUCHESNE, Isabelle (ed.), Red Boat on the Canal: Cantonese Opera in New York Chinatown. New York, Museum of Chinese in Americas, 2000.
EBERSTEIN, Bernd, Das Chinesische Theater im 20-Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1983.
FAN-PEN LI CHEN, Chinese Shadow Theatre: history, popular religion, and women warriors, Quebec, McGill Queen’s Press, 2007.
FAN-PEN LI CHEN, Visions for the Masses: Chinese Shadow Plays from Shaanxi and ShanxiHonolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, Cornell East Asia Series #121, 2010.
FENG Wei, Intercultural Aesthetics in Traditional Chinese Theatre. From 1978 to the Present, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
FERRARI, Rossella, Transnational Chinese Theatres. Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
FERRARI, Rossella, THORPE, Ashley, Asian City Crossings. Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore, London, Routledge, 2021.
FU Quiumin, L’art théâtral de Mei Lanfang, Paris, Your-feng, 1988.
GAMBLE, Sidney David, Chinese Village Plays from the Ting Hsien Region (Yang Ke Hsuan): a Collection of Forty-eight Chinese Rural Plays, translated from the Chinese by various scholars, Amsterdam, Philo press, 1970.
GAO Xingjian, City of the Dead and Song of the Night, Translated by Gilbert C. F. Fong and Mabel Lee, New York, Columbia University Press, 2016.
GAO Xingjian, FORSTER-LATSCH Helmut, Latsch Marie-Luise, Flucht: eine moderne Tragödie, Bochum, Brockmeyer, 1992.
GAO Xingjian, Dialoguer Interloquer, s.l., MEET, 1993.
GAO Xingjian, Le somnambule, Wallonie, Editions Lansman, 1995.
GAO Xingjian, La fuite, Wallonie, Editions Lansman, 1992.
GAO Xingjian, The Other Shore: Plays by Gao Xingjian, New York, Columbia University Press, 1999.
GAO Xingjian, Snow in August, New York, Columbia University Press, 2002.
GEE, Tom, Stories of Chinese Opera. Taipei, Liberal Arts Press, 1978.
GIBBS, Levi S., Song King: Connecting People, Places, and Past in Contemporary China, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2018.
GOLDSTEIN, Joshua, Drama Kings: Players and Publics in the Re-creation of Peking Opera, 1870-1937, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007.
GREENE, Maggie, Resisting Spirits: Drama Reform and Cultural Transformation in the People’s Republic of China, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2019.
GUNN, Edward M., (ed.), Twentieth Century Chinese Drama. An Anthology, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1983.
GUY, Nancy, Peking Opera and Politics in Taiwan, Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2005.
HALSON, Elizabeth, Peking Opera. A Short Guide, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1982.
HAWKES, David (tr.), Liu Yi and the Dragon Princess: A Thirteenth-Century Zaju Play by Shang Zhongxian, Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2003.
HAYDEN, G. A., Crime and Punishment in Medieval Chinese Drama. Three Judge Pao Plays, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1978.
HAYOT, Eric, Chinese Dreams. Pound, Brecht, Tel Quel, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011.
HELMER STALBERG, R., China’s Puppets, San Francisco, China Books, 1983.
HENRY, E. P., Chinese Amusement. The Lively Plays of Li Yü, Hamdem, Archon Books, 1980.
HO, Virgil K.Y., Understanding Canton: Rethinking Popular Culture in the Republican Period. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.
HOWARD, Joshua H., Composing for the Revolution: Nie Er and China’s Sonic Nationalism, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2020.
HOWARD, R., Contemporary Chinese Theatre, London, Heinemann Educational Books, 1978.
HSIA, C.T., LI Wai-Yee, KAO, George (eds), The Columbia Anthology of Yuan Drama, New York, Columbia University Press, 2014.
HSU Tao-ching, The Chinese Conception of the Theatre, Seattle and London, University of Washington Press, 1985.
HUAI Bao, Cross-Gender China. Across Yin-Yang, Across Cultures, and Beyond Jingju, London, Routledge, 2018.
HUANG, Alexander C. Y., Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange, New York, Columbia University Press, 2009.
HUANG Shang, Tales from Pekin Opera, Beijing, New World Press, 1985.
HUANG Shang, Tales from Peking Opera, Beijing, New World Press, 1985.
HUBER, Jörg, ZHAO Chuan, The Body at Stake: Experiments in Chinese Contemporary Art and Theatre, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2013.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, Children of the Pear Garden. Five Plays from the Chinese Opera, Taipei, Heritage,1961.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, Ming Drama, Taipei,1966.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, Classical Chinese Plays, Second edition, Taipei, Mei Ya Publications, 1971.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, The Jewel Bag: A Chinese Classical Play (A Traditional Chinese Play Translated and Adapted with an Introduction and Stage Directions), Taipei, Mei Ya Publications, 1974.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, For Love and Justice: Chuan Chiao Chi Yuan, Taipei, Mei Ya Publications, 1981.
HUNG, Josephine Huang, A Handful of Snow: A Traditional Chinese Play. Translated, adapted, and annotated, with an introduction, by Josephine Huang Hung, Taipei, Taiwan, Mei Ya Publications,1993.
IDEMA, Wilt Lukas, The Metamorphosis of Tianxian pei. Local Opera Under the Revolution (1949-1956), New York, Columbia University Press, 2015.
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LIANG Peilin, Bodies and Transformance in Taiwanese Theater, London, Routledge, 2020.
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Bibliografia a cura di Rossella Marangoni
con il contributo della Fondazione Ada Ceschin Pilone e di